Vertigo is hallucination of movement. Vertigo can be due to central causes or peripheral causes in external, middle or inner ear. A detailed history regarding the type of attack of vertigo, triggering factors, duration of symptoms, eye/smell/taste disorders, ear symptoms, facial paralysis, head-neck trauma, diabetes, cardiac/renal/neurological disorders, drugs taken and known allergy is important. A general examination - including pulse and blood pressure, ENT examination, blood tests, radiology, audiometry, Electrocardiogram, Vision and fundus examination and CT scan help in the diagnosis. Labyrinthine sedatives - are given to control the nausea, vomiting and giddiness. Diuretics - with a low salt diet is advised to reduce endolymphatic hydrops.Tranquillizers and sedatives - given to reduce anxiety by suppressing the activity of medial vestibular nucleus. Antihistamines like cinnarizine or betahistidine -are given for their vasodilator action.
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