Patellar Chondromalacia

The mechanism is nearly always inversion (supination). Patient presents with inability to walk, tenderness, oedema (haematoma) Partial ligament injury is treated conservatively with an elastic or adhesive bandage or semi-rigid ankle support. Severe ligament injury with clearly observed instability can be treated operatively by suturing the ligament and capsule if the patient is young (under 30-40 years old) and exercises actively. For older patients, an elastic bandage or orthosis is usually recommended. The tendency is to operate less frequently in the early stages, because conservative treatment usually gives a good result. After an operation, immobilization with a cast or dynamic splint lasts 4 weeks and full weight bearing is allowed at once. Recurrent ankle sprain does not always require operative treatment; good results can be achieved with elastic supports (ankle orthosis), boots with high ankles, and sometimes with exercises strengthening the peroneal muscles. However, operation should not be delayed unnecessarily because recurrent torsion injuries of the ankle prevent exercising and eventually cause talocrural arthrosis.


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