Dr Kerkar's presentation of managing a rare anomaly non-surgically won him an award for "The most challenging case from Asia-Pacific" among 8 cases from across the region. Prafulla received this award in front of 11000 odd cardiac specialists at TCT 2005.
Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), sponsored by the Cardiovascular Research Foundation®, is a scientifically stimulating symposium for physicians and other health care professionals who specialize in the field of interventional vascular therapy. The conference was held in Oct 2005 for challenging cases of 2004.
There were approximately 11,500 attendees at TCT 2005, including 716 faculty. In 2005, 1,305 abstracts were submitted from 46 countries and 37 states. Reviewers narrowed that number down to 548 - a 42% acceptance rate. After being graded by an average of 10 reviewers per abstract, the accepted submissions were divided into 110 oral presentations and 438 posters. In addition to abstracts, there were over 60 hours of live case transmissions from 27 sites around the world, and approximately 600 scientific presentations.
We at IDG wish Prafulla more such laurels!!!
Click here to view the award details