Bombay Shops & Establishments Act, 1948

Articles Section


The Bombay Shops & Establishments Act, 1948 was brought into force from 11th January 1949.

This Act is a piece of social legislation from the state government of Maharashtra. It was enacted to prevent 'sweatshop' labour in the unorganized sector, and to regulate the conditions of work and employment and therefore to secure maximum benefits for the employees working in different categories of establishments such as shops, commercial establishments, residential hotels, restaurants, eating houses, theatres and other places of public amusement or entertainments.

For the jurisdiction of Greater Mumbai, the Shops & Establishments Department is headed by the Chief Inspector, Shops & Establishments, by virtue of the statutory provisions of Section 43 of the Act, subject to the overall supervision of the state government through the Commissioner of Labour, Mumbai.

The Chief Inspector, Shops & Establishments, is assisted by Four Deputy Chief Inspectors. The working of this department is carried out by the Senior Inspector (Shops & Establishments.) in each ward of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai. The Senior Inspector is assisted by the Shop Inspector, clerks and shop attendants. For the Sr. Inspector's office, indoor working hours are 9:00 am to 12:00 noon; and 3 ½ hrs in aggregate are prescribed to inspectors for outdoor work (field work). The enforcement field is divided into four zones for administrative convenience. Each Dy. Chief Inspector (Shops & Establishments) is in charge of one zone.

The following formats are prescribed under Bombay Shops & Establishments Act, 1948 for the purposes shown against them. All these formats are required to be submitted to the Sr. Inspector (Shops & Establishments) in respective M.C.G.M. ward between 9 a.m. and 12 noon on any working day.