Dermatological manifestation of systemic diseases

Just as a glowing skin bears testimony to good health of an individual, skin also acts as a window to the internal organs and resultant systemic diseases. By appreciating cutaneous manifestations of systemic diseases we can better determine the appropriate diagnosis, investigations, therapy or need for referral. Some diseases which have a dermatological manifestation include Seborrhoeic keratoses, Hypertriglyceridaemia, Haemochromatosis, Addison's disease, Melasma, Cushing's syndrome, Reiter's syndrome, Scleroderma, Lupus erythematosus, Psoriatic arthritis, Sarcoidosis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Hirsutism, Acanthosis nigricans, Erythema Nodosum, Vitiligo, Erythema multiforme and Urticaria.


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