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Anaemia of pregnancy

Common anemias in pregnancy include iron deficiency anemia, folic acid deficiency; G6PD, thalassemia and sickle cell anemia have genetic implications and should receive special evaluation. Pregnancy anemias may be asymptomatic or may present with breathlessness, tiredness, weakness and paleness. Commonest cause is poor diet with inadequate iron/ folic acid deficiency, loss of blood from bleeding hemorrhoid. Even with sufficient iron and folic acid levels, a pregnant woman may be anemic because pregnancy alters the digestive process; fetus consumes some of the iron or folic acid normally available to the mother's body. Recommend foods rich in iron, such as liver, whole grain breads and cereals, eggs and dried fruit. Foods rich in folic acid are wheat germ and beans. Iron and/ or folic acid supplements, if indicated, must be taken regularly.


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