Eye problems in contact lens users

Dry eyes are a relative contraindication to the use of contact lenses when the condition is mild; in severe cases dry eyes are an absolute contraindication.

Contact lenses should not be used in a very dusty environment, or when the air is particularly dry or hot. Intensive computer work is also a relative contraindication. When swimming or diving in unclean water (contact lenses should not be worn Contact lenses should not be used during coughs and colds. All people using contact lenses should visit an ophthalmologist regularly: young (< 20 years) patients with allergies twice a year, other users once a year. The 24 h use of permanent contact lenses should be avoided and the use of continuous wear (24 h) lenses is recommended only in exceptional cases. Regular ophthalmologic controls are needed 2 times a year in persons using continuous wear lenses. The contact lenses should be replaced as instructed by the manufacturer. The containers should be replaced at least every 6 months. Oxygen-permeable hard contact lenses are replaced at 2 year intervals. People with allergies or those with sensitive eyes for other reasons, should use short-term (one-month) or one-day lenses. If the contact lenses have been in a container for some time after disinfection with hydrogen peroxide they should be rinsed well before being placed in the eyes.


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