Amenorrhoea and Oligomenorrhoea

Amenorrhoea is defined as the absence of menstruation.. Primary amenorrhoea is the failure to establish menstruation. Secondary amenorrhoea is the absence of menstruation for six consecutive months or, if the menstrual cycle is clearly longer than normal, the absence of three consecutive menstrual periods. In oligomenorrhoea the menstrual cycle is longer than 36 days. The aetiology of amenorrhoea must be established. Other than pregnancy, constitutional delay, anovulation, and chronic illness, most of the other disorders causing amenorrhoea may require referral to a sub-specialist for treatment. Many of the treatment methods require surgery or specific therapies. For the adolescent with constitutional delay and anovulation, the goal should be restoration of ovulatory cycles. If ovulatory cycles are not restored spontaneously, oestrogen-progestin therapy is indicated.


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