Disorders of the rotator cuff of the shoulder

The rotator cuff consists of muscles and tendons that hold the shoulder in place. The rotator cuff allows a person to lift his/her arms and reach up. Rotator cuff disorders are irritations of or damage to tendons around the shoulder. These disorders include inflammation, calcific tendinitis, and tears of the tendon. Another rotator cuff disorder is bursitis in the shoulder joint. Rotator cuff disorders caused by age-related changes (degeneration) often are associated with impingement of the tendon on the bone. In rupture of he rotator cuff, If pain, movement restriction and weakness still cause marked disability after 1 - 2 months of conservative therapy, surgery should be considered. Treatment of rotator cuff tendonitis consists of resting the injured tendons and strengthening the shoulder. Calcifying tendonitis is usually not treated surgically, unless there are other indications for an operation than removal of calcium deposits.


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